Canadians Split on Carbon Tax Opinions
Canadians Split on Carbon Tax Opinions
27 February 2020
Canadians are overwhelmingly split on climate change and carbon taxes, a study from Advanis finds.
Over the past year, Advanis asked in excess of 33,000 Canadians about climate change and their level of support for a carbon tax, contributing to the database of opinions to support evidence-based decision making.
Opinions on climate change and a carbon tax vary significantly by several socio-demographic factors, most notably province/territory, but also gender, age, income, and rural/urban residence. Advanis found that a strong majority of Canadians believe humans are the dominant factor in climate change (73%) and Canada should be a leader in reducing global warming (72%), though agreement ranges from 83% of those in Quebec to just over 50% of those in Saskatchewan and Alberta.
Other key findings:
Despite thinking Canada should be a leader against global warming, Canadians are split as to whether a carbon tax is the answer.
Nationally, almost the same percentage of Canadians are in favour of as opposed to a tax (46% vs. 44%). The remaining 1-in-10 aren't sure.
Canadians who think humans are the key reason for global warming show far higher support for a carbon tax (61%) than those who don't (3%).
There are stark regional differences:
Only those in Quebec, Ontario, and Nova Scotia have more citizens in favour of a carbon tax than opposed.
Those in BC, PEI, Northwest Territories, and Newfoundland and Labrador are moderately opposed.
Those in New Brunswick, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta are strongly opposed.
The majority of Canadians do not believe a carbon tax will be used by governments to reduce carbon pollution (55% say it won't; 36% say it will; 9% aren't sure).
Not surprisingly, those who believe the tax revenue will be used to curb pollution are much more in favour of a carbon tax (89% vs. 14%).
Only 36% of Canadians think a carbon tax will change their personal behaviour (36% say it will; 49% say it won't).
Half say a carbon tax won't change their behaviour, but 44% of these people say they would change their behaviour (reduce their carbon footprint) to save $250/year.
Opinions on climate change and a carbon tax vary significantly by several socio-demographic factors, most notably province/territory, but also gender, age, income, and rural/urban residence.
Note: There are two main types of carbon pricing: carbon taxes and emissions trading systems (also known as cap and trade). In this research, we asked only about level of support for a carbon tax. Canada has both carbon taxes and cap and trade systems in place.
Data collection consisted of a random sample of over 33,000 Canadians; overall results accurate to within +/- 0.5%, 19 times out of 20; margin of error is wider among subsets of the population.
Want to know more details?
Read the full report here: http://www.tellcityhall.ca/surveys.html (See Carbon Tax, Selected Results)
Image by Michal Jarmoluk from Pixabay
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