Mobile Survey Innovation: Before and After
Mobile Survey Innovation: Before and After
01 December 2014
In today’s society where 70% of Canadians and 90% of Americans have a mobile phone , having a survey which is just as easy to complete on a tablet or smartphone is of equal importance to the experience of completing one on a desktop or laptop had traditionally been for those wishing to conduct web-based marketing research.
Over the course of the past year, Advanis has embraced the reality of this impending shift in the market and has redesigned our web survey platform to be optimized not only on computers but on mobile devices as well, regardless of the operating system of the device. Key formatting changes included:
- the display of one question per page only (to accommodate limited screen space on mobile);
- single-survey platform with auto-device detection;
- making response options “clickable” instead of having to click tiny radio buttons; and
- auto-advance between pages after single-response questions.
Using a bi-annual 20-minute online web survey tracker project for clients of an American national cell phone company as the basis for comparison, Advanis has compiled some informative statistics regarding the mobile survey experience between the previous “old” survey renderer and the “new” mobile-optimized survey renderer. The highlights: fewer mobile drop-offs, higher completion rates among all devices, and shorter completion times in general.
- Smartphone completion rate improved from 59% to 66%
- Mail-out completion rate (via web survey) improved from 80% to 86%
- SMS completion rate (via web survey) improved from 60% to 67%
- Completion time decreased by 2 minutes YoY - on all devices
We're well aware that 20 minute surveys are far less than ideal, but until you are ready to make adjustments to a program that has a longer survey; ensure that you are working with technology and survey design that makes this as simple a process for all participants, no matter what device they choose.
Learm more about Advanis mobile surveys.
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