Human Experience in Insights - perspectives on a recent webinar
Human Experience is the whole experience that a person has with a company, a brand and/or a service in a physical or digital interaction. People have human experiences as consumers, employees, patients or as civilians. These human experiences create emotions, perceptions, desires, and requirements from the relationships that they have with brands and services. Today, consumers are pickier. They have more choices. They are not as attached to their trusted brands. They’re willing to try new products and services if they are able meet their immediate of long-term needs. Apple showed us that people were willing to get rid of their bulky cameras, watches, stop watches, music consoles and photo albums in favour of a their swiss army like iPhones.
Over the past 7 years, Advanis has collaborated with our client partners to make sure they’re listening to their current and future customers when creating or revamping their products and services. In the past, products and services were designed by corporate teams based on what they thought their customers wanted- and more times than not, their consumer’s needs were only a whisper and more often or not, the consumer’s feedback was captured only to validate what the corporate teams felt was best.
Advanis has relied on our design-thinking based toolbox to ensure that HX is a key input into our client’s decisions. Now more than ever, we are advising our clients to move from corporate-centric development to customer-centric innovation. Narrative in the boardroom and stakeholder meetings have changed. Our clients are focused on how they can meet or fulfill a current or emerging need in their customer’s lives. Creativity across multi-functional teams is creating disruption in the conventional and the customer’s voice is no longer a whisper. Ky Pham, a BA/US Lead at DataHouse Asia promotes the importance of using HX to create products and services that optimize the values that they deliver to their consumers.
As Amélie de Brem pointed out in the March 2020 NewMR series “Move over UX and CX, here comes HX” , brands need to build empathy, a sense of belonging and authenticity to customers so that they can relate to how brands- products and services- meet their current needs and challenges, and to understand how to develop a brand relationship around understanding, empathy and authenticity.
Advanis HX approach, effectively implemented in various projects and industries, involves (i) a foresight component, through which we unveil emerging trends drivers of change to help our clients future-proof their strategies, (ii) a qualitative component, to unearth unmet and emerging customers’ needs to ensure a customer-centric strategy development, and (iii) a quantitative component, to build the business case for ideas generated through the previous stages.
Advanis has incorporated parts or the whole of this process in our engagements, depending upon our client’s business needs.
- Advanis collaborated with BC Stats to help B.C.’s local agri-food and seafood businesses benefit from the local food trend, Advanis conducted a three-phase research to identify future trends that might have an impact on the local food business; understand the various needs of BC locals in regards to food purchase, preparation, and consumption, and develop a market segmentation that informed the types of local products consumer buy and why, the channels they use and their price sensitivity. BC producers are using this HX designed segmentation to better target, create value an authentic relationships with potential customers based on the consumer’s needs and experiences.
- Advanis collaborated with our card issuer client to understand the opportunities within the peer-to-peer money transfer market. As part of a three-phase engagement, Advanis usedonline bulletin boards to explore met, unmet, and emergent needs in the peer-to-peer market space, discuss potential/future applications, and engage in concept feedback and co-creation. The findings of this stage led to fine-tuning of the offer configuration by the client, which Advanis then validated through a concept test quantitative research to guide our client’s P2P strategy.
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